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Soalan Lazim IMA Sensori


Mengapa Kanak–Kanak Tidak Dapat Menumpukan Perhatian Untuk Belajar Dan Membuat Kerja Rumah ?
Apakah Belajar Terbaik Untuk Anak–Anak Anda ?

"Jalan pembelajaran" merujuk kepada apa dan bagaimana pelajar belajar ketika mereka bergerak menuju pembelajaran mereka. Apa yang dipelajari? Setiap ibu bapa harus mengetahui mengenainya. Pembelajaran dicapai melalui proses yang kompleks dan saling berkaitan, termasuk membaca (dengan mata), mendengar (dengan telinga), bercakap (dengan mulut), menulis (dengan tangan) dan berfikir (dengan hati). Melengkapkan kanak–kanak dengan kemahiran memproses yang baik sebelum mereka pergi ke sekolah untuk memperoleh pengetahuan akan memberi mereka kenangan yang baik tentang masa kecil mereka.
Mata – Tanpa fokus visual, kanak-kanak tidak dapat melacak dari perkataan ke perkataan dengan lancar, jadi dia menghadapi masalah menyalin dari papan tulis. Ini adalah keupayaan pengesanan mata. Di samping itu, ia akan mempengaruhi diskriminasi visual, iaitu kemampuan untuk membezakan perbezaan antara huruf dan kata, seperti b / d.
Telinga – Tanpa kemahiran mendengar, kanak–kanak menghadapi kesukaran untuk memperhatikan apa yang guru katakan di kelas. Mereka dapat mendengar suaranya tetapi mereka sukar memahami bahasa lisan. Oleh itu, ia menyebabkan masalah kepekatan.
Mulut – Mulut adalah alat rakaman kanak-kanak. Tanpa koordinasi mulut, ia akan menyebabkan beban belajar.
Tangan – Ini merujuk kepada koordinasi tangan-mata. Ini akan menyebabkan kesukaran menulis atau menulis yang perlahan (mis. Melangkau atau menghilangkan kata semasa menulis). Hati – Ini merujuk kepada kemampuan berfikir. Sistem visual dan pendengaran menghantar maklumat yang dilihat dan didengar ke otak untuk analisis dan penyimpanan lebih lanjut. Ini adalah pembentukan kemampuan memahami.
Setiap anak akan pergi ke sekolah untuk pengetahuan tetapi ibu bapa mesti memastikan sama ada "alat" mereka sudah siap. Selain itu, mereka harus mengetahui sama ada anak–anak mereka memahami apa yang diajar oleh guru atau tidak. Setelah menyerap maklumat yang diterima, otak mesti "mencernanya" dan kemudian "mengaplikasikan" pengetahuan dan itu adalah kemajuan pembelajaran. Kanak–kanak tidak dapat belajar dengan berkesan tanpa koordinasi proses visual dan pendengaran yang baik. Oleh itu, ibu bapa harus memahami masalah anak–anak dan menyelesaikan masalah mereka supaya anak-anak dapat menikmati pembelajaran pada masa kecil mereka.

Mengapa Kanak–Kanak Mempunyai Masalah Yang Tidak Fokus Dan Tanpa Perhatian ?

Sebilangan kanak–kanak mempunyai penglihatan yang baik tetapi mereka tidak mempunyai fokus visual, jadi mereka menghadapi masalah untuk melacak teks di halaman atau menyalin nota dari papan tulis, oleh itu sangat sukar bagi mereka untuk mengikuti kelas. Ia dipanggil kemampuan mengesan mata. Dalam proses pembelajaran, saraf optik menghantar maklumat visual ke otak dan otak akan melalui proses analisis dan pemahaman. Setelah menafsirkan maklumat visual, maklumat tersebut akan disimpan sebagai pengetahuan umum dalam ingatan mereka.


Anak–anak dapat mendengar tetapi mereka tidak mendengar. Mereka boleh duduk diam di kelas tetapi mereka tidak dapat memahami apa yang dikatakan oleh guru. Isi pengajaran tidak dapat disebarkan ke otak mereka untuk melakukan analisis, interpretasi dan pemahaman. Kami tahu bahawa mendengar memainkan peranan penting untuk pemerolehan pengetahuan dan merupakan syarat asas untuk belajar. Sebagai tambahan, memori pendengaran yang baik diperlukan untuk kecekapan pembelajaran yang tinggi, tetapi bukan hanya kemampuan pendengaran.


Bagaimana Meningkatkan Kemampuan Visual Dan Pendengaran Anak Anda Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Belajar ?

Through the neck extension training, it can stimulate the neck cervical nerve to promote the healthy development of the central nervous system in order to repair the inner ear disorder. The inner ear controls the vestibular balance and hearing. If we want to improve learning efficiency, we should adjust the inner ear nervous system first because it is the only path.


To stabilize visual focus can help improve children's learning ability. Our eyes are surrounded with the optic nerve, which is the structure that connects the eye to the brain. There are six extraocular muscles, which control the movements of the eye in various directions and the rotation of the eye. The muscles of the eyes perform several specialized functions to aid in vision. One of the most important functions is for your eyes to move smoothly across text. Thus, good development of optic nerve will lead to visual stabilization and help to build up the eye-tracking ability which is essential for learning.


Secondly, listening serves as the basis for learning as well. Listening requires concentration so that listening skills will influence the ability to learn. Children with auditory processing disorder often cannot comprehend and absorb information. Besides, it is hard for them to distinguish differences in sounds so it will lead to a learning disability.


On the other hand, the cochlea performs sound detection and analysis. Signals are passed from the cochlea to the brain through the auditory nerve and then our brain interprets these signals as sound. Auditory memory will be formed gradually after the development of listening ability, it plays an important role in the process of learning.


Why can’t children concentrate in class ?

First of all, we have to find out the causes for lack of concentration. Children without visual focus length or children with poor auditory ability are the most common phenomenon. Besides, if the children do not lay a strong foundation for learning language in kindergarten, or if they have balance disorder, all these could be the causes for distraction. In addition, children with language delay do not fully understand spoken language, so it will lead to concentration problems.


Why some children always lose their temper ? What is an emotional disorder ?

There are two different situations. First, parents must consider whether the children are spoiled or they have emotional disorder. Normally, spoiled children can control their emotions; conversely, children with emotional disorders often find it hard to control emotions.


For example: In school, they know how to get along with peers and won’t simply lose their temper. Children with emotional disorders always get into a tantrum under any circumstances because they easily lose control of their emotions.


Why does chewing ability affect speech development ?

The links between eating and speaking Through chewing and swallowing food can make the child's tongue and oral muscles have a good coordination and for the preparation of pronunciation. Babies can eat solid foods after 6 months. Sufficient chewing movements can increase tongue movements and have better jaw stability.


On the contrary, eating soft or semi-solid foods require less chewing motion, so that it will lead to speech disorder and consequently delay speech development. In order to produce speech sounds, it requires precise control of the muscles of lips, tongue and jaw. For example, the back of the tongue makes ‘k’ sound, the tongue tip is used for ‘s’ sound and the tongue blade is used to make ’q’ sound.


Will sensory processing disorders go away with age ?

Sensory Integration refers to the way the central nervous system receives messages from the senses (such as the vestibular, tactile, proprioceptive and sense of balance) and turns them into appropriate motor and behavioural responses. Sensory processing disorder is a condition in which the brain has trouble receiving and responding to information that comes in through the senses.


Therefore, the children with sensory processing disorder will not grow out of it by themselves unless a series of spinal cord training is provided. Normally, the sooner sensory integration difficulties are detected, the quicker progress will be made. Besides, it will be very difficult to change if they are over 7 of age. After training, children’s balance and body coordination, concentration, emotion, self-control, learning ability, logical reasoning ability, diet and sleep and etc. appear to have significantly improved.


Why some children are slow in writing ? How to improve their writing speed ?

There are many factors that affect handwriting speed. But now we focus on the importance of hand-eye coordination.


Fine-motor control is an essential foundation for writing skills. Without it the accuracy necessary to guide the pencil through the required formations will be affected. Therefore, a child will first start developing postural control, shoulder stability, arm strength, wrist stability, hand strength and finger strength.


As a Chinese saying goes, “Children’s intelligence is on the tip of their fingers”. The more children’s hands are skilful, the better central nervous system is developed. Therefore, to become proficient at handwriting, the children must develop fine motor skills.


What causes a child to write backwards ?

Some children tend to write reversed letters because there is a mirror image in their brain. Mirror-writing is the production of letters, words or sentences in reverse direction, so that they look normal when viewed in a mirror.


Thus, a lot of parents feel disappointed because no matter how hard they try, they still can’t change the reversals. The human brain is divided into two hemispheres. The brain’s left hemisphere controls the muscles on the right side of the body while the right hemisphere controls the muscles on the left side of the human body.


Everyone has a dominant brain hemisphere and a dominant hand as well. If a child’s dominant hand has been changed intentionally, the advantages of his/her dominant brain will “disappear”. At this stage, the brain waves will become chaos so that the mirror-writing will emerge regardless of which hand is used.


Do children with sensory processing disorder need any medication ?

Sensory processing disorder is a neurological condition that exists when sensory signals don’t get organised into appropriate responses. The spinal cord coordinates the body’s movement and sensation. Due to a lack of movement, it affects the development of the central nervous system and vestibular system in children.


Thus, they find it difficult to process sensory information (e.g. sound, touch and movement) from the world around them. There is no medication to treat sensory processing issues, but there are therapies, as well as practical changes you can make at home to help your child. The use of tranquilizer may suppress the child’s "external" disorders performance only but not solve the internal problem.


The recovery of the development of the central nervous system must through physical exercises to promote a healthy spine in order to improve brain function. Hence, play is the work of the child because it is essential for your child’s brain development.